Yesterday was a bit of a hard day, okay quite more than just a bit. Bo got back from the hospital yesterday and on the way home ended up in a car accident, everything turned out okay there. But a few hours later a lot changed, Bo and Emily's Dad collapsed and later died in the hospital. For those that do not know Bo and Emily are my step siblings who are 12 and 13. It was a very hard thing to see, and it really felt like nothing short of a miracle that I was there during this time when I was not supposed to be. I am glad that I have opportunities in life to be there for others and help them. Please send your thoughts and your prayers their way, its a very hard thing to go through even more so when going through a divorce at the same time.
And maybe I should give you all an update as well on the divorce between my Father and my step mom... my father is prolonging the court dates by getting continuances, as far as the divorce goes he claimed he was to preoccupied with.... you know I'll just stop now while I'm ahead and just tell you all of the court dates and lawsuits are a mess and not go into details.
Thankfully so far I feel like I have made the right choice in not getting an internship for this winter and instead coming home. I feel that my family at this point is more important and I am glad that I am home to be here for my family ... and yes all the many parts to my family.
And now that I am done traveling (hopefully), I am hoping that I can still find a job for the next couple months before I return to school in April. The job market is looking very nasty out here... and even more so being in the middle of nowhere. But here's to living life and loving it despite what thorns it has.
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